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Glass of Milk
  • Update permissions and medical details.

  • Update important contact details.

  • Log in to check your account balance.

  • View regular written observations & view photos. Add replies and comments.

  • Add your own observations.

  • View updates

Information for parents/carers.


Your child’s Learning Journey

The child’s key person and family work together. We value parents and carers taking part and sharing in their child’s learning.


We at Buzzee Beez Preschool record our observations using Tapestry an online learning journal that is a secure password-protected service for you to be able to view your child’s development and time with us. You can also leave replies and add your own observations at any time. 


Staff observe and note each child at play because it helps us to understand and support their individual well-being and development. We really get to know the children as unique people with special skills, interests, and ideas. The more we understand about your special child, the better we can support them in the way that is right for them.


You will receive an email from them so you can set up your account and then you will be able to access your child’s observations.


To accompany this, we also use a scrapbook for the children to be able to stick in drawings or writing they would like. We also hold a copy of their profile mapping (a development tracker).


Your child’s learning Journey celebrates his/her experiences. Over time it will tell a story about your child – his/her learning, friends, and the activities he or she enjoys sharing with others.

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